Tips to survive finals week!

Hey Guys!

As it's that dreadful time of the year again I thought I would give you some tips and ideas that I use to help me survive finals!

1. Find a quiet/relaxing study area. If you're at home or in your dorm room there is a higher chance of you getting distracted by other things! Try going to the library or a study room at your school. 

2. Make sure you have a planer or to do list!
 There is obviously different ways you can do this, I personally use a regular planner that I carry with me. Then I use post it notes to tape across my desk so its out where I can always see it! It's also the best feeling when you finish something and can rip one of the notes down!

3.  Pack snack and a drink with you! If you're studying for a long time you will most likely want a snack by bringing something with you it will save you the time and distraction of having to go get something! I like to have a bottle of water and some type of caffeinated drink with me (usually ice coffee) as it tends to keep me alert and focused! 

4. Stay organized! If you have a large amount of textbooks and notebooks with you try to limit what you have open in front of you to what you absolutely need! This will keep you from getting overwhelmed by the amount of work surrounding you.

5.  Turn off all distractions! I know checking Instagram or Twitter is much more exciting then whatever your studying but turn off your phone and focus. Plan small breaks when you've hit a milestone in your studying then give yourself 10 minutes to check it before going back to studying.

6. Be sure to take some time to get fresh air! Nothing is going to make you more tired then sitting in a stuffy library all day, give yourself some time to go for a walk or eat lunch outside.

7. Study with friends! Depending on the course you're studying for of course. Having someone to study with is a great way to be able to quiz each other or just generally help out with things you don't understand!

So there's my list of finals tips, what are some tips you have for surviving finals week?

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