A day in the park

I may have forgotten to post this beaut whilst dealing with finals and moving out of school and then some terrible terrible internet connection. My mom and sister decided to come visit me in the city when the  weather was finally nice enough to spend a day in the park. 

We went to the castle, if you've not been there its so pretty. We went to the top which is where we took most of the pictures. To get to the top there were these narrow spiral staircases. I wish I had more pictures of the park but my sister has them.

Other then castle we just did a lot of walking!

What I wore!
Yellow Cami -- Topshop
Denim Shirt-- Topshop
Daisy Shorts -- Topshop
Bag-- ASOS
Sneakers -- Keds
Watch -- Guess 

I got stuck on the rock I decided I should climb

I just wanted to post a outfit post, now that I'm on summer break I plan to update much more! 

Drug store vs High end

Lets face it, I always want new makeup products. The problem with this is everything I assume to be good is so much money. While I usually love everything I buy from places more "high-end" is it always actually necessary? I have been wearing the Mac Match-master foundation for about 9 months I originally bought it in the shade 1.5 because it was summer and I wasn't pale as a ghost  then went and got the shade 1.0 when I needed something lighter. Now it may just be me, because I do live in the city with not so fantastic air and dorm showers that do wonderful things for drying out your skin but I realized that no matter how much moisturizer I used the makeup was still way to dry for my skin. It got to the point where I had to take a pour eraser, which is basically grease) and cover my face in it before applying my foundation so it didn't look dry and flaky.

So being that I'm a broke college student, currently saving up for the NARS sheer glow foundation I wasn't sure what new foundation I wanted to try. Over spring break I was at the drugstore and I saw the Rimmel Match Perfection foundation. I have heard nothing but great things about all of Rimmel's products and I'm not going to lie when I say I use a lot of there other products. For $4.97 I figured it couldn't hurt to try it out, the end result? I am absolutely in love with it. It's very thin and I probably wouldn't say to use it if you have oily skin, but for someone like me whose face is the desert its perfect.

I talked about this with a friend and she claimed that she liked a lot of her drug-store primers and eye liners better also. Always keep an open mind don't worry about the label because its very rare that someone is going to come up to you and ask "oh my what are you wearing on your face?"

 Basically what I'm getting to is just because something is a high-end brand doesn't mean its going to be perfect or a good product for you. Don't put another product or brand down just because its cheaper, it may actually be fantastic and you wouldn't have known if you didn't try it!